Strategy Session

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Take Your Business to the Next Level

Regardless of where you are in your business, we can work together to determine what specific actions you need to take now to move your business forward. You'll walk away with clairity, confidence and a detailed implementation plan.

During our 60 minute call we can discuss topics like those below or work through another business issue you're facing. The more specific the topic, the better the outcome will be from our time together.

Are you ...

Figuring out how to start your business? We review where you are at this time. If you haven't done anything yet, no worries, we'll take it from the top. If you have gotten started, we'll go over what you've already done and fill in any gaps.  


Trying to stand out and attract customers? This is where most businesses fall short. They've never identified how they are unique. Not understanding this makes everything harder, from how to talk about your business to attracting customers and growing. Let's get this defined for you! 


Not getting the business you know you deserve? You think you've done everything right but the sales aren't coming in. We'll review what you currently have in place and what steps you can take to reverse this trend.


Frustrated because your business is not performing as you had imagined? Perhaps you're selling products but sill not seeing a profit. Or you've reached your limit of available time and can't keep up with the many tasks a business owner faces. Whether it's a pricing issue, productivity problem or something else entirely, let's figure out at least one way you can begin loving your business again.


Our session will be conducted over Zoom and focus specifically on you and your issues. You'll be asked to fill out a Pre Strategy Session Form so I'll have background information and we can get right down to business. 

30 Minute Session - $75

Once you've locked in your session, watch your email for the Pre Strategy Session Form.
All payments are non-refundable and to respect time for both of us, a 24 hour reschedule notification is required.

I look forward to working with you on your business. It's one of my most favorite things to do!